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Mercoledì, 27 Dicembre 2023 17:36
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“I announce to you a great joy, which will be for all the people: today in the city of David a savior is born to you, who is Christ the Lord”. (Lk 2, 10-11)

Christmas is the day on which God gave us a great gift, not something material, but his gift was to give himself. He gave us his Son, and so Christmas became the celebration of gifts.

 “We wish you all to be protagonists of the story of salvation and love that Christmas talks about, bringing hope into the lives of those who need it most. It will be Christmas if, like Joseph, we give space to silence; if like Mary we will say: Here I am, to God; if like Jesus we will be close to those who are alone; if, like the shepherds, we leave our fences to be with Jesus. May Holy Christmas be an indispensable opportunity for everyone to rediscover the immense love of God for each of us; May his love make us capable of transformation

May Jesus be born in our hearts, in the hearts of our families and our communities and, through us, may he be a sign of life and hope for every person and for every family we meet on the streets of this world of ours that asks for help and wants to feel like family .

With feelings of true amazement for the Mystery of the Incarnation of the Son of God and the first manifestation of the Holy Family, we sincerely wish you a joyful and holy Christmas, full of His light and the year 2024 full of graces


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La conoscenza diretta delle persone, dei luoghi e delle effettive necessità locali permette alle nostre suore di usare al meglio le offerte ricevute senza sprechi, realizzando progetti importanti di cui è possibile seguire lo sviluppo in piena trasparenza.


Congregazione Suore Cistercensi della Carità
Via Vittorio Emanuele, 240
03012- Anagni (FR)
E-mail: suorecistercensi@libero.it 
Tel.: +39 0775 727053
Fax: +39 0775 726133