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Buona Pasqua dalla casa di formazione di Kampala - Uganda

Buona Pasqua dalla casa di formazione di Kampala - Uganda

Sabato, 16 Aprile 2022 19:04
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The Lord is truly risen Alleluia! To him be glory and power for all the ages alleluia, alleluia. “Easter is a time of reflection and a time to recognize the miracles that God has brought into our lives. It reminds us of how God has been good to us. He gave His own precious son to save us from our sins.

It is a time when the Lord showers his endless blessings to the faithful. Keep the faith and rejoice in the name of the Lord. Our prayer is that you have the opportunity to experience His greatest miracle of all His eternal love.With this, we the sisters and novices in the formation house of Namugongo - Kampla are very grateful and happy to wish all the sisters of our congregation of the Cistercian sisters' of Charity, to our benefactors and friends a happy Easter 2022. This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad. 

The sisters in the formation house                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Kampala - Uganda 


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Congregazione Suore Cistercensi della Carità
Via Vittorio Emanuele, 240
03012- Anagni (FR)
E-mail: suorecistercensi@libero.it 
Tel.: +39 0775 727053
Fax: +39 0775 726133