Ci uniamo a tanti fratelli e sorelle che pregano incessantemente per questa popolazione che sta soffrendo particolarmente per gli orrori, la distruzione, la violenza e l’insensatezza di questa guerra. Invochiamo la misericordia di Dio affinché il popolo ucraino possa tornare a respirare un clima di pace e serenità.
In prayer for Peace
We, the religious of the congregation of the Cistercian Sisters of Charity, participate strongly in the prayer network to which Pope Francis has given a way forward. Accepting his invitation, we join our voices to the prayer of many believers and unbelievers that rises intensely to God for Ukraine on Ash Wednesday. We join many of our brothers and sisters who are praying unceasingly for this population which is suffering particularly from the horrors, destruction, violence and senselessness of this war. We invoke God's mercy so that the Ukrainian people can once again breathe an atmosphere of peace and serenity.