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Lent message from Mother Patrizia

Lent message from Mother Patrizia

Giovedì, 10 Marzo 2022 18:15
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May this be a Lent full of time to be dedicated to the Word of God, full of desire for conversion and maturity. This is what I wish to myself and to all of you who read these words of mine. A Lent, in this hard and difficult moment, which puts on the garment of fasting, penance and almsgiving, not with a sad face, but with a heart full of Easter joy towards which we are moving.

As Pope Francis suggests, eager to do good, without getting tired, because no Calvary lasts forever. It is always followed by the Garden of the Resurrection, the Easter sun. The good that we can do if, with the help of the good Lord, we work to become free people, purified, at peace with ourselves and with others, capable of forgiveness. Ready for a journey of conversion, following the suggestion of the Italian bishops, that considers three things: conversion to listening, conversion to the fact (reality), conversion to spirituality. From the forty days of Lent that we are willing to live we hope for joy, peace and brotherhood "for" everyone and "with" everyone, but in particular for Russia and Ukraine. So that hatred, resentment and grudge towards nobody may lodge in our hearts. These are the first weapons to lay down in order to put an end to any war.

Happy Lent

Mother Patrizia Piva

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Letto 634 volte Ultima modifica il Giovedì, 10 Marzo 2022 18:23


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